About Us
Who are Little Maysoor?
We are a family run business who have a fervent desire to make a change in the Ummah. We are committed to delivering the very best learning resources for children, specifically aged between 5-9 to learn Arabic. With Islam being the world's fastest growing faith, the need to learn and teach our kids Arabic has never been more important.
When did you launch?
We officially launched by the permission of Allah on Eid day 2015. It was a huge achievement for us as we had been working extremely hard prior to the launch and were happy that we met our deadline.
How did the idea for Little Maysoor come about?
It pretty much grew organically as we have always had the intention to develop a widely accepted project that would benefit the Muslims far and wide. We wanted to focus this particular project on the children as without sounding cliche, they are the future. We wanted to give our chidren and the children of the Ummah a priceless gift that many Muslims, reverts and those who were raised in a Muslim family weren't given; and that is exposure and an opportunity to learn the Arabic language. Ismaeel (Chris) Beaumont is a Director of the project and he is passionate about learning and teaching Arabic so it was really a no brainer! The team then decided to base the characters around their own children which made the project that much more personal.
What are your plans for the future?
We aim to continue producing high quality Arabic material both FREE and premium content for you and your children to enjoy, learn from and remember for years to come. We want to be the hub or one stop shop for all your Arabic needs inshaAllaah.